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A & E
A & E


i. (abbreviation for: Accident and Emergency) (British English) The part of a hospital where people who need urgent treatment are taken.

ii. (British) In Britain, A & E is the part of a hospital that deals with accidents and emergencies. [A & E is an abbreviation for accident and emergency.]

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to have this department in the medical facility (hospital).

2. Hospital is safe and secure from within (the grounds) and without (the surroundings).

3. Part is sign-posted and quickly reachable; place not far from hospital's main entrance.

4. The personnel on duty must be complete, at all times of the day and night.

5. The equipment would be state-of-the art and functional; in serviceable condition.

6. Ambience of the department will be tidy, neat, clean; hygienic.

7. Operating twenty-four hours of the day, whatever the circumstances.

8. Serves purpose(s); saves lives, reduces the risks of fatalities, promotes well-being, etc., i.e., staff will be efficient and effective.

See perfect EMERGENCY (1).

See perfect NINE ONE ONE CALL.


See perfect HIPPOCRATIC OATH (2).


See perfect PROFESSIONALISM (1).

See perfect HOSPITAL-SHIP.


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