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Casuistry (2)


i. (formal, disapproving) A way of solving moral or legal problems by using clever arguments that may be false.

ii. (formal, disapproving) The use of clever arguments to persuade or trick people.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for 'brilliant trickster' (to emphasize).

2. Basis or logic, footing or reasoning, etc. will not be admitted or declared, from the beginning or during process, to be false.

3. Way makes no provisions for scrutiny or investigation. That is, argument will not be subject to 'cross-examination', etc.

4. Manner or presentation will not lead to a doubt or misgiving, cause a misrepresentation or misdirection, etc. to listeners or hearers or readers, etc. That is, deception will work.

5. Proffered solution or problem-solving will be long-lasting; won't require a second set of 'lies' to rationalize or justify methods, in order to restore some equilibrium, peace, etc. in situation.

6. Falsehood will be discovered much later, though this will not result in a disadvantage, etc. for who duped others (Connect to #5).

See perfect MENDACITY.

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