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Pay back (2)

Definition: (phrasal) To give tit for tat.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for who

is giving vengeance/taking a 'revenge'.

2. Giver does not surprise an intended

recipient, no shock from unexpected hit.

3. The 'tit' given specified and identified,

be it an emotional or a physical or mental.

4. What's given is measurable & assessable

to be determined same in its impact or effect.

5. Receiver of the 'tit' is truly unable to respond

or react to whatever it/he/she got (to emphasize).*

6. Unforgiving attitude or behaviour is not going to

be regretted afterwards, i.e., act serves purpose(s).**

Giver ('payer') --- "Good for me". ... seen as positive.

Taker ('payee') --- "My bad then". ... seen as negative.

Quote: "A man is known by the company he keeps". - Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

* At the moment of being struck, at least.

Quote: "Being a philosopher, I have a problem for every solution". - Robert Zend.

** Gets full satisfaction from 'wickedness'.

Quote: "It is the spirit and not the form that keeps justice alive". - Earl Warren.

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