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A mon avis

Definition: (French) In my opinion.

Quote: "Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted, was once eccentric". - Bertrand Russell.

* All elements would be in.


10. Purposeful, pious or jaundiced, not half, mixed, confused.

20. Necessary, even if the 'second' one was there in its making.

30. Foundation expected to be built on a strong frame of mind.*

I AM... [See perfect MYOB.]

40. Subject matter under consideration specified & identified.

50. Definition/interpretation regarding matter or issue clear.

60. Duration of intellection, introspection, ratiocination Ok.**

I CAN... [See perfect MOYO.]

70. Freedom (independence) volition (individualism) possessed.

80. Discovery from mind's application and heart's direction okay.

90. Processes and procedures of feeling or thinking concluded.***

I HAVE... [See perfect MYSELF.]

100. Whatever so-called well-thought outcome wholly expressed.

110. Whichever, not for a change of mind or change of heart.****

110. Thoroughly convinced, without inducement, and defensible.

I DREAM... [See perfect ONESELF.]

* Objective. Subjective. Opinionative.

** Short-lived. Far-sighted & proactive.

*** Seconds, or Minutes, or Hours, Days.

**** Personal and individual entitlement: stand, stance, view.

BAD (pessimism).

Quote: "Moving doesn't change who you are. It only changes the view outside your window". - Rachel Hollis.

GOOD (optimism).

Quote: "There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change". - Euripides.

WORSE (hopeless).

Quote: "The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night". - Nietzsche.

BETTER (trusted).


"Razors pain you,

Rivers are damp,

Acids stain you,

And drugs cause cramp.

Guns aren't lawful,

Nooses give,

Gas smells awful.

You might as well live".

---------------------------- Dorothy Parker.

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