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Definition: The state of being tabescent (= progressively emaciating; wasting away; becoming emaciated or consumed).

* All 'sick', sorry, six elements would be in throughout the period.

1. Core, or the centre, is not holding.

2. Ugly and bad specific and identifiable; and fully understood as so.

3. Result measurable and assessable.

4. Surely without surrendering to a more powerful (destructive) force.

5. Efforts being made not succeeding.

6. Definite about coming 'end', engenders preparations for the inevitable.

** Leave out a motivational speaker!!

A. Divine intervention being expected.

B. Prayerfulness thorough futility now.

C. Soporiferousness truly now prevalent.

D. Suicidality, a thought (to emphasize).

E. Hanging in or on; yet somewhat hopeful.

F. Sure having a self-pity (truth be told).

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