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Definition: (of a school or an educational system) The teaching or education of boys and girls in the same school or college, place or location.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful - the mix of boys and girls.

2. There is a necessity to adopt combined system.

3. Structures in place take care of the peculiarities of both sexes. That is, buildings and facilities for boys and girls are separate, adequate and available.

4. Teachers and administrative staff are of the best kind, providing appropriate counselling and guidance for both sexes. And not taking advantage of either of the sexes (= students).

5. No immorality or illegality in the - school or college:

a. No molestation or child abuse!

b. No teenage pregnancy!!

c. No abortions!!!

d. No juvenile delinquencies.

e. No ...

f. No ..


See perfect METHOD (1).

*** That is, appropriate premium in the syllabus is placed on sex education, human relations, sexuality appreciation, child upbringing/training, etc.

6. Standard obtained is of the highest grade possible. That is, other single-sex schools do not perform better as a result of being boys or girls-only (to emphasize, connect to #4).

7. System achieves objective(s) or serves purpose(s) (connect to #6).

See perfect PUPPY LOVE.

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