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Current assets

Definition: (business) Current assets are assets which a company does not use on a continuous basis, such as stocks and debts, but which can be converted into cash within one year.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to have the types of 'valuables'.

2. Their worth will be correctly valued and stated in the books.

3. Optimal usage will be made of items whenever being used. That is, any increase (appreciation) or a decrease (depreciation) that occurs in their valuation will be considered as appropriate.

4. Will be available or accessible whenever required during the year.

5. Possessed in adequate quantities or amounts to be worthwhile when ever they are converted to earn the company the needed liquidity.

6. Expenses not budgeted for will be made on the assets, especially if they are not directly under the direct control of owner-company.

7. Serves purpose(s), whether or not they are converted in the end.

See perfect BALANCE SHEET.

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