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Definition: (informal) The support that you get when you need assistance or favour, that is secured without your making an effort.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary, even if not immediately realized.

2. Not expected or planned for (see definition, to emphasize).

3. Specific and identifiable - will not be confused or mistaken for anything other than a (the) needed support.

4. Arrives timely and promptly: not early or at the eleventh hour.

5. Adequate in quality. That is, the 'supply' fits the 'demand'.

6. Arrives or received unconditionally. That is, requires no other person to interpret, or a real physical action from you - only obedience or compliance, whatever the state you are in.

7. A great loss will be suffered as a direct result of not making use of assistance. And great gains will be made when support is used.


Quote: "People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in the right way". - A. C. Benson.

Quote: "Age 7 or 77, giving someone a helping hand, duration 5 minutes or 5 days, is an act of purebred leadership". - Tom Peters.

Quote: "A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward". - Ovid.

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