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Definition: A person who, usually for religious reasons, lives a very simple life alone and does not meet or talk to other people.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary (see definition).

2. (Reserved.) (Reasons are genuine. That is, person is not being simple and alone because he or she is seeking a particular benefit.)

3. Lives far away from people. Or 'hiding place' is respected, not accessed and person is not disturbed there.

4. No modern gadgets or technology is in use in habitation or residence (connect to #5).

5. Not informed and therefore uninfluenced and/or unworried by current events or happenings in the 'outside world'.

6. Satisfies natural urges by himself or herself. That is, will not engage in bestiality (where possible). And/or constantly experiences nocturnal emissions.

7. Prayers, observation of fast periods, studying the Holy books, meditation, etc. are his or her preoccupation all through period.

8. Has basic sustenance and conveniences in place of abode. That is, person can survive without needing anything from the 'other side'. In other words, will never be frustrated or come under pressure in the situation.

9. (Reserved.) (Person is not an active member of a nuclear family. Or has been denounced by, or has denounced, the immediate family, if any. Or has permitted spouse to become a grass widow or...) (To emphasize, connect to #5.)



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