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Hermit kingdom


i. (informal) A kingdom or country (with its institutions), which is virtually closed to the outside world on account of its ideology, practices or principles.

ii. (informal) A country or nation that is ruled by a very secretive and usually repressive despot or authority.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Not so easy to enter for an expatriate or a foreigner, especially an investigative journalist or 'tourist'. VISA DENIED.

2. Citizens or inhabitants of 'hellhole' speak only in hushed tones, within some private or secure environment. Shh. Mum.

3. Methods used to compel 'obedience' won't take cognizance of the so-called human rights due to inhabitants. ORDERS.

4. Self delusion of freedom won't be admitted by rulers and the led. That is, everyone within borders lives in denial. 'Yippee'

5. Able or capable of surviving being ostracized by regional members or neighbour(s) and/or the international community. STRONG.

6. Must have alliances with cohort(s), far or near, such that help or assistance can be secured whenever the need for such arises. 'High five'.

7. Opposition or criticism won't be a feature of culture of the 'kingdom' or country. That is, the ruler will be a lord to himself or herself. [Reserved.]

8. Succession will be such that transfer of power will ensure that no liberals or outsiders will have a chance of ascending to the 'throne'. "SHUT UP!".

See perfect LITTLE SATAN.

See perfect OUTSIDE WORLD.

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