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Definition: A person who knows a lot about a group or an organization, because they are part of it.

* All six elements should be in.

1. What is known are relevant and/or important.

2. REAL. Does not get information through illegal means, even if person is a fifth columnist or an infiltrator.

3. TRUE. Not untrustworthy. That is, can disclose all that is known to other members in group, if formally required or requested.

4. DEPENDABLE. Not likely to be expelled, sacked, excommunicated, etc. soon from group. (And/or, will not disclose information, if and when he or she eventually becomes an outsider.)

5. TRUSTED. Will not betray group by revealing or disclosing information to unauthorized outside parties, or by blackmailing members.

6. Will point out error(s), if any, in the information possessed, or disclose defect(s), if any, in organization, to other members of group, as necessary, especially where the others have not discovered mistake(s) or noticed deficiency or deficiencies.

See perfect LOUDMOUTH.

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