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Invalidation (2)

Definition: If you invalidate a document, contract, election, etc., you make it no longer legally or officially valid or acceptable.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary. That is, you have a conviction, at the time action is taken, that thing should be made invalid.

2. Appropriate authority is possessed and this power is recognized.

3. What is done to invalidate thing happens on time, or promptly, to be maximally effective.

4. Basis for action will not be illegal. That is, no court will cause the issuance of a payment of some fine (penalty), declare action ultra-vires (repeal), etc., in spite of authority.

5. No unplanned loss will be suffered, especially by who invalidates thing, as a direct outcome of what will be done.

6. Action will not be regretted in the future such that an attempt, even if privately, will be made to make up or make amends.

7. It will be impossible, through an illegal method, illicit way, unofficial approach, etc., for invalidated document, contract, election, etc. to be surreptitiously used, executed, upheld, etc.

8. Action serves purpose(s), as exactly hoped for, by you.

See perfect PROSCRIPTION (1).

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