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Jam (2)
JAM (2)

Definition: A situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so may people or vehicles in one particular place.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. There is a cause, not necessarily a purpose. And surely not necessary!

See perfect QUEUE (1).
Below the Line
1. There are ‘exit’ points, especially if there is an emergency – sunroofs, doors, etc.

2. Environment is friendly, familiar – not in an ‘enemy’ territory.

3. Conditions prevailing are tolerable. That is, no likelihood of suffocation, dizzy spells, etc.


further below the line

1. Difficulty or impossibility results in an inconvenience, not an injury or illness to who or what is experiencing the situation (connect to #3 above the line).

2. Situation or condition lasts for a ‘reasonable’ time – a jiffy, minutes, hours, etc.

See perfect DIFFICULTY (2).

much further below the line

1. A loss is not incurred by the inability to move – failure to meet deadline, etc.

2. Serves no purpose in the end. That is, no gain whatsoever is got from the jam.

3. Situation is enjoyed, if it can be endured ... somehow or somewhat.

See perfect QUEUE-JUMPING.

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