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Definition: A young girl who behaves in a more sexually developed way than is usual for her age, which makes her sexually attractive to older men.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Knows exactly what she is doing, ... and has a purpose, for sure! (See perfect COQUETTE.)

2. She is above the age of consent, or her mental age is not a source of worry or doubt, ... just in case (See perfect MENARCHE).

3. Knows the full implication(s) and/or possible consequence(s) of her (mis)behaviour - gestures, movements, gyrations, etc., ... hopefully. That is, prepared for an eventuality (See perfect ATTEMPTED RAPE).

4. Knows all the safe precautions - drugs, methods, the emergency number(s), etc. - to take/have to avoid infection, diseases, danger, etc., etc. ... expected (See perfect TEMPTRESS).

5. Enjoys the attention paid her by the men old enough to be her pop or granddad ! (See perfect PERIOD (5)).

6. Will not fall 'victim'! That is, does not suffer an unplanned loss from teasing those dirty old men!! And will not make poor men break a law, or the bank, or lose their reputation!!! (See perfect MINX).

... GO AWAY !

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