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Definition: (verb) To suffer (a penalty, consequences, etc).

* All six elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for a sufferer and the benefit of club, organization, country, society, etc. - order, fairness, equity, justice, etc.

2. When guilty, once officially or legally pronounced, even if not admitted (or even if innocent!).

3. When the suffering is commensurate or appropriate (by law, custom, etc) to the 'sin'.

See perfect SINNER.
Below the Line
1. When not forgiven, even after an apology was made or given.

See perfect NEMESIS.

further below the line

1. Long, long after - when the offense had probably been forgotten by the person who committed it, especially so that a hard lesson would be learned.

2. Offense, misdeamenour, crime, etc. will not be repeated as a result of what is suffered. That is, 'punishment' achieves goal(s).


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