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Ship (1)
SHIP (1)

Definition: A large boat that carries people or goods by sea.

* All six elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary.

2. Seaworthy ! (To emphasize.)

3. Registered appropriately. That is, has all the relevant documents to operate in specified waters and in any particular manner.

See perfect LARGENESS (1).
Below the Line
4. Under the control of a competent captain/sailor.

a. No exceeding shipload.

b. No stowaway on board.

c. No sailing into troubled waters.

d. No abandoning of ship in stormy weather (or captain is the last to abandon ship, in the event of a shipwreck).

e. No engaging in an illegal activity on the sea or on the high seas.





See perfect PLIMSOLL LINE.

5. All hands (= workers, sailors, etc.) on deck are qualified, competent and hardworking (connect to #4).

See perfect MUTINY.

further below the line

6. Arrives planned destination (= harbour?) on time and in the right conditions, with its cargo and human content in appropriate shape. That is, large boat serves purpose(s) as hoped for.


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