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Definition: A way of thinking or planning that is connected with the advantages or profits you could have now, rather than the effects in the future.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered a necessity for the short-sighted.

2. A sureness or certainty of the likely immediate advantages or profits will be possessed or present.

3. No constraints or impediments, restraints or imposed limitations to having deeper thought or making more detailed planning.

4. Impatience for longer-time advantage or profit, and a craving for instant benefit or quick gain exists in situation.

5. A caution, warning, support, pleading, etc. about the demerits of hurrying will not be given serious consideration during period.

6. Way will be regretted in the end, as a fallout of undesirable effects that would be had, which could have been avoided only if some more carefulness or calculation was put into reasoning or arrangement.

7. Some lesson would be learned from the 'little' advantage or profit had from restricted thinking or speedy planning. That is, a realization would be had that far-sightedness is more beneficial.

See perfect SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS (2).


See perfect SELF-INTEREST.

See perfect SELFISHNESS.

See perfect SELF-LOVE.

See perfect FORBEARANCE.

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