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Definition: A situation when there is not enough of the people or things that are needed.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purposeful - even if this is not realized or understandable.

2. Quantity by which people or things is short is specific and identifiable.

3. Quality or specification of the inadequacy of the persons or things is measurable and/or assessable.

Below the Line
4. Efforts are/were made to get the persons/things complete.

5. A loss accrues in the end from the lack of fullness or completeness.

6. No penalty, especially of a legal nature, is paid for the incompleteness.

See perfect IMPERFECTION (1).

further below the line

7. What is planned to be done is still doable with available, though inadequate number(s).

8. Result(s) achieved with what is available is the same as if there was no shortfall in the persons or things needed to perform task(s).


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