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Suspense (1)

Definition: A feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to happen, somebody is going to tell you some news, etc.

* All five elements would be in.

1. Expectation during period will be 'blank'. That is, there will be no confirmation of or certainty in what is anticipated as an event or information to happen or to be received.

2. Anticipation will be high. That is, there will be a palpable desire to witness or hear the occurrence or news. In other words, not possible to have mind wander from upcoming event or impending news.

3. Thing expected or news awaited will have a serious consequence or repercussion. And a reaction or response will be a natural outcome when thing occurs or when the news is heard.

4. Feeling cannot be shut out, a 'displacement activity' cannot be engaged in, and the reality cannot be denied by way of self-delusion, etc. during the period that feeling lasts. That is, fear (= worry) or enthusiasm (= excitement) will lasts for as long as happening or news has not occurred or not been heard.

5. No ability, capacity or capability, or courage is possessed, to make thing happen earlier or much later, or to get news faster or to determine what the news will be.

See perfect CONFIDENCE (1).

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