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Vendetta (1)


i. A long and violent disagreement between two families or groups, in which people are murdered in return for previous murders.

ii. (US) A blood feud, laying an obligation of honor on the members of a family to take revenge upon the killer or injurer of one of them, or upon a member of his family, thus instigating a chain of vengeance from generation to generation.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary, for the revenge-seekers.

2. Murderer(s) is/are not unknown. That is, killer(s) get caught, from season to season.

3. Victim(s) is/are never some person(s) or people killed in error.

4. Basis of initial disagreement is known to all the psychos involved in the endless 'madness'.

5. Attempts at mediation or interventionist moves aimed at stopping or preventing the killings (= assassinations, murders, etc.) don't ever succeed.

6. Other serious losses will be suffered by those directly concerned.

7. Achieves goal(s), even as it (fight) never ends, whoever's turn it is, to be murdered next!

See perfect VENGEANCE.

See perfect MURDER (1).


See perfect MUD-SLINGING.

See perfect ASPERSIONS.

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