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Wolf whistle

Definition: A whistle with a short rising note and a long falling note, used by somebody, usually a man, to show that they find somebody else attractive, especially somebody passing in the street.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary.

2. Made with the mouth, not a device (= whistle).

3. Object of attraction is in sight, and seen, when 'noise' is made.

4. Pitch or level of sound is high or loud enough, and period is considered adequate to be clearly heard.

5. Person being 'whistled' is not deaf or a deaf mute. (To emphasize.)

6. No unplanned loss, disgrace, etc. arises or damage, embarrassment, etc. is suffered, from the sound made to attract.

7. Achieves objective(s), whether it is responded to or not, be subject/target a homosexual or frigid woman or prostitute or ... .

See perfect HOTS.

See perfect WHORING.

See perfect WOLF CALL.

Quote: "I love being wolf-whistled [at]. I know men shouldn't jump on everybody. But I do think men have stronger libidos than women". - Jilly Cooper.

Quote: "He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils". - Francis Bacon.

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