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Bodily function

Definition: A person's bodily functions are the normal physical processes that regularly occur in their body, particularly the ability to urinate and defecate.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for processes to occur.

2. Predictable or foreseeable - approach will be seen.

3. Can be controlled - rushed or delayed - as will be desired.

4. Never inconveniencing. That is, will not lead to an embarrassment.

5. Measure or rate of of 'discharge' will be considered usual.

6. Frequency, or a lack of, will not require a medical.

7. Processes or ability achieves goal(s), whenever.


Quote: "To eat is human; to digest, divine". - C. T. Copeland.

Quote: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". - Fanny Fern.

Quote: "The people who influence you are the people who believe in you". - Henry Drummond.

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