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Plunge (5)

Definition: (old-fashioned) An act or instance of engaging in heavy gambling, reckless speculation, etc.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary for gambler, risk-taker, etc.

2. The activities won't be against the law (to emphasize).

3. Responsibilities cannot be fully met in the situation.

4. Who is gambling & taking risk, is always 'researching'.

5. Reserve (resources), war chest (funds), inexhaustible.

6. Loss, disappointment, if any, is affordable, tolerable.

7. Hope springs eternal, even if it is hope against hope.

8. Will not quit easily until or unless... (connect to #2).



Quote: "Faith has the audacity to go beyond people's thoughts, opinions, vision, and expectations - an audacity that I've come to respect, love and simply allow to 'do its thing'". - Adiat Disu.

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