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1. Conduct befitting a ruffian.

ii. Ruffian character.

iii. Violent lawless behaviour.

iv. Behavior typical of a brutal and violent person.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Conviction present that bad behaviour is purposeful and necessary.

2. Full awareness of the likely consequences of misbehaviour absent.

3. Location where violence, lawlessness, brutality, etc. is shown will be of no concern to the ruffian.

4. Pedigree or standing of the ruffian not such that actions will be seen as really abnormal or strange.

5. Persons present can have no sobering effect on the ruffian's ways.

6. The inconveniences to be borne will be affordable at the time.

7. Appearance will be true to type during the 'craze' or will be made fit for purpose at the start of display.

8. Loss, shame, etc. will be the outcome of the lack of self-control and absence of self-discovery by ruffian.

9. Some satisfaction will be obtained therein; achieves objective(s).

Grips and grabs.

Pushes or shoves. [See perfect REVENGE (3).]

Shouts and curses.

Fights or struggles. [See perfect SAVAGERY (2).]

Damns and dares.

Rushes or hurries. [See perfect CONFUSEDNESS.]

Soils and dirties.

Cheats or lies. [See perfect FORTRESS MENTALITY.]

Myself, Me and I.

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