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Definition: Someone who consoles (gives solace or comfort to: cheers in distress).

* All ten elements should be in.

1. Believes consoling another or others is purposeful (connect to #2).

2. Convinced about the necessity to offer condolences (connect to #3).

3. Knows or aware of the circumstances leading to pity (to emphasize).

4. Utterance or action suitable or appropriate - soothes and relieves.

5. Would not have been the source of the calamity being consoled over.

6. Genuine expression - not crocodile tears of aided by Dutch courage.

7. State of mind of who feels for another is healthy and is happy too.

8. Physically present or able to be seen while giving the consolation.

9. Active for a period thought right, especially by who is a 'sufferer'.

10. Remembers, or able, to offer follow-up consolation much later.

See perfect SOLACE (1).

See perfect CHEER (4).

See perfect SOLACE (2).

Quote: "Love doesn't have any failure. If you win, you will win a heart, and if you don't, you will win a life and you'll surely know how to live after. Experiencing love is important, regardless of its outcome. Open up your heart and experience it again. The last time you won a life, and this time you may win a heart". - Neda Smaeeli Far.

Quote: "It's not enough to buy a tee shirt or some shoes. To change the world you need to put on some work boots and pick up a shovel". - Mike Satterfield.

Quote: "Life is too important to take seriously". - Corky Siegel.

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