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What is that

Definition: (usually - what's that) (!) (?) (*) (informal) A comment made, or phrase used, or question asked, when something that is inexplicable occurs or happens unexpectedly.

* All ten or eleven elements, as applicable, would be in.

1. Uttered or used after a process or actuation stops ... conclusively.

2. To what end a causative action or event serves ... none whatsoever.

3. For whose benefit the outcome or an end product is ... nobody's.

4. What can be appreciated herein or therefrom ? ... nil, zero, nothing.

5. Where do or can I/you/they go right now from here? ... nowhere.

6. (Reserved) (Wait, what should you say in this 'confusion'... .) THANK YOU LORD. [For there are surely unseen hands and some invisible grace, all working for your individual or collective good, in inescapable situation, especially if thought as bad.] HALLELUJAH.

7. What will you be thinking now (truth be told) ... every and anything.

8. But, and, or what will be eventually actually said ... nonsense.

9. Who will get the blame, if any, in the situation ... no person(s).

10. Reply or answer not demanded or expected ... sorry / ten-up.

11. Any lessons to be learnt as consequence? ... no way, no way.

Quotable quote: "I think there is pressure on people to turn every negative into a positive, but we should be allowed to say, 'I went through something really strange and awful and it has altered me for ever'.". - Marian Keyes.

Quotation: "Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings". - Ralph H. Blum.

Quote: "To live in hearts we live behind is not to die". - Thomas Campbell.

Umpteenth time of subject matter, yet nothing to it !

History certainly repeating itself, more than once?

Lightning striking twice, at exactly the same place !

Escaping death's claws, having almost giving up?

Not whatchamacallit, not whatsit, and not whatnot !

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