The 1520 Sex Card Game...
This is a cardgame played by 4 adults (3 actual players with a counselor as the 4th player), where our sexual preferences, habits, attitudes are dealt with in the context of choices that we make in life. The aim is to try and encourage not only a healthy sex life, but also to preach what constitutes the right or better choice.
For instance, a 65 year old man who chooses to sleep with a vice girl (nature's service alternate provider) that is 18 could be said to be not making the best choice for a man of his age. Firstly, not only is the girl a woman of the street, she is by far younger than the man, and though a choice he has made, the quality of that choice is scored in the context of what is expected by society.
In the game, each choice you pick is scored points as you go along the game from game A to game Z. The aim is to accumulate/attain the maximum points possible (1,520). If this is done, it indicates that the person has what we term the perfect sex life. It means he or she has made perfect choices throughout the game including his or her choice of partner, attitude to the partner before, during and after sex and a host of other issues. As this is nearly impossible, the game introduces a further element of interactivity by allowing players to have arrangements where cards can be exchanged(for a price agreed by the players in question).
What we often discover in reality, and with most people, is that counsel is often lacking though seriously needed in sexual matters. There are also those that will claim that they have answers to all issues as counsellors and that they know it all but the real test is not when they give advice to the rest of us on what best to do or not to do, but when they are actual practitioners (or players) themselves.
We hope that as you play, whether it's in the choices you or someone else has made in the game, or the counsel you get from the sex "therapist", it will set your thinking cap right and allow you to do what is fit and proper in your own individual sex life.
As a company, we are professing that every thing that we do has an ideal and indeed we all are looking for that, deep within. We hope that this game will move you closer to your ideal(s).